Day 2
Monday, May 16th
Parent Club Mtg 6:30 @ BV
Day 1
Tuesday, May 17th
Day 2
Wednesday, May 18th
Day 1
Thursday, May 19th
Band Rehearsal
6th 1st/2nd hr 5th 7th/8th hr
Band Spring Concert
BP PAC 5th @ 6PM 6th @ 7PM
Day 2
Thursday, May 26th
Wear Red/White/Blue to support GI Go Fund
Spanish Food Day
Day 1
Friday, May 27th
Spanish Food Day
Student Material Due to LMC
Monday, May 30th
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Day 2
Tuesday, May 31st
Orchestra Spring Concert
Learning Adventures!
Advanced Math
Students will begin working on how to multiply and divide integers as well as beginning to graph on a coordinate plane. Students will need to be able to graph in all four quadrants. Many students had the opportunity to play integer war and they could try this with multiplication as well. This would be a great opportunity to see how your child is learning.
Math 2/3
Students will be reviewing and testing on Chapter 8 this next week. We will be reviewing both metric and customary measurements, perimeter, area, and volume.
Students were only able to get a little introduction to the respiratory system. We will continue the introduction next week and hopefully learn about the important parts of the respiratory system.
Language Arts (Utech)
We will continue to work through the book Shades of Gray as our class read aloud. Students will complete comprehension and discussion questions both through in class partner discussions and sharing or through writing out answers online on Schoology. Active reading and fluency for homework, but no Moby Stories again this week.
Social Studies
We will continue to learn about the growing differences between the North and South that led to the Civil War. We will also begin learning about important battles, events, and strategies in the war.
Writing (Utech)
This week, students should be coming in with a solid draft typed in Google. This week, we’ll be working on adding introduction and conclusion sections to their work. We will also be studying mentor texts to see how nonfiction books add such items as charts, diagrams, maps, timelines, bold words, vocabulary, definition boxes, etc. to aid their readers. With this knowledge, we will identify areas where we could add these to our writing to help readers understand.
Language Arts (Sharman)
We will start a new spelling list where students will be tested on the top 100 most commonly used words. We will work to master these by the end of the school year based on what each individual student knows. In addition, we will study onomotopoeias and alliteration this week as part of our figurative language unit.
Writing (Sharman)
Students will be finishing up their research reports and will present in class on Friday!
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