The Clubhouse


Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 23-25


Day 1
Wednesday, Nov. 25th
Half Day of School  NO LUNCH  11:40 Dismissal

Nov. 26th & 27th
Day 1
Tuesday, Dec. 1st
5th Gr Orchestra Performance  6:30 LV Commons
Day 2
Wednesday, Dec. 16th
Talent Show Dress Rehearsal  4-6PM @ BP PAC
Day 1
Thursday, Dec. 17th
French/German Food Day  (1st & 2nd hrs)
Band Concert  LV Gym  5th @ 6PM   6th @ 7PM
Day 2
Friday, Dec. 18th
LV TALENT SHOW/Silent Auction  BP PAC  6-8:30
$5/seat donation

Dec. 23-Jan. 1

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Sharman had a healthy baby boy on November 19th. Congratulations!

-This week we will be having library on Tuesday.  Please help your child remember their library books by having them place it into their backpacks on Monday night.  

-If your child is going to be absent for a planned vacation, please be sure to have them pick up a planned absence form from the office so that the office can sign off on the absence.  This allows teachers to help be prepared ahead of time in case the student needs to complete work while they are missing school. 


Advanced Math
Students will be continuing to work on long division and then begin working on individualized self-paced unit.  Students took pre-assessments last week to test out of different portions of fractions and decimals.  
Second/Third Hour Math
Students will be continuing to work on multiplying mixed fractions and multiplying mixed fractions by whole numbers.   The biggest struggle a lot of students are having is remembering the steps that come along with multiplying mixed fractions.   The first step is to turn any fraction that is a mixed number into an improper fraction.   If there is a whole number they need to place it over 1.  Second step is to reduce the fractions if they can.
Step three, you must multiply the numerators, and then multiply the denominators.  Step four is to change it back into a mixed number if the fraction is improper.  

We will be finishing up our food chain, food web and energy pyramid section this week by creating our own energy pyramids and looking at how a food web is created.

Students on Monday will be having a choice article.  Students who have Achieve on Tuesday will be going to the library.  

Language Arts
Students will be doing a check-in on text structure to show me how much more time to spend on the standard.  We will also be doing an activity where students write appreciations for each other in honor of Thanksgiving.  My mom and some family will be  baking cookies today and coming in Tuesday.  Students will be pulling a name from a hat to decorate a sugar cookie for that classmate.  Should be a fun activity to celebrate our thankfulness for one another.

Students will be thinking about narrative goals and completing some Thanksgiving writing activities.

Social Studies
Students will be doing an open note check-in on their knowledge of the settlements and their interactions with the Natives.  Students will be allowed to take it home to complete if they need more time.  It will be due on Wednesday morning before break.


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